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Parker's Paws Animal Hospital

(615) 356-0642 2525 21st Ave S, Nashville, TN 37212 Find us on Facebook Follow us on Google nextdoor iconnextdoor icon Find us on Nextdoor Review us on Yelp

(615) 356-0642

How to Refill a Prescription

Heartworm negative

If you would like to have a prescription filled through Vetsource, please visit our online pharmacy.

Heartworm and Flea/Tick preventatives

We recommend year-round heartworm, intestinal parasite and flea and tick preventatives for our patients according to AVMA, AAHA and the American Heartworm Association (AHA) recommendations.


We offer online price-competitive prescriptions through our VIPPS-accredited website, Vetsource. If you wish to purchase medications from an alternative source, we can provide a written script during a scheduled office visit. We DO NOT ACCEPT faxed or prescription requests (except for prescription diets). An annual examination and appropriate testing is required by law to provide any medication. If you have any questions about this policy, we will be happy to discuss this with you!

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